041/365 Theme: Love Title: I didn't choose you.... |
Alrighty then.....so Valentine's Day week....I don't care for Valentine's Day much. Always thought it was a scam of a holiday. A day for people to spend more money on their loved ones....
or worse more money trying to get someone to love you....
or steal someone away....
or be noticed at all.
For me, in grade school, I was always the little boy the little girls prayed wouldn't give them a Valentine. Not that, at that age, it meant anything at all mind you, but trust me, rejection at any age, totally sucks balls.
Anyway back on track...Valentine's Day is a sham, but being in love is not. And showing someone you love them is something we should all do as often as possible. Not with money or diamonds and crap!
because you can't buy love...you give it honestly. Show the person you love that you love them with you actions and words. Don't be an ass and wait for them to come to you because you're still mad at them about something.
let it go!
(I can't say those three words without breaking into song for Pete's sake Disney your songs are like musical crack)
Everyone is guilty of being prideful and expecting the other to make the first kind gesture to end a fight, or something similar.
Love trumps Pride always so I challenge you this week to
be giving....
be forgiving....
be humble.....
be honest....
Be Loving
You won't regret it.
Happy Doodling
p.s. If you must buy a gift don't be a freaking cliche and get them flowers or jewelry. Get them something that means something.
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