Tuesday, February 4, 2014

031/365 Hawaii 5-0 #nopantsontv

Hawaii 5-0

Alright in my defense I was sort of out of sorts this past Friday.  Not only was I crazy excited to see myself on Hawaii 5-0,

 but my external hard drive decided to die and I had no back up for the 3 years of work I had saved there.  Stupid I know and I really want to say thanks to my wife Nikki for helping through my mourning period, and to Todd for doing what he could to attempt to recover the files.  This means all of the tools I'd collected &/or made for my videos and photographs are gone.  Family photos and vacation videos all gone because I was dumb and didn't have a back up.  Lesson learned for sure....
 I must start again and build new tools and props. 
 So on a day of big highs and lows I drew the doodle above in honor of the positive part of the day.  Then I went and drew the bread at our table during lunch at the Old Spag Factory the next day.  Not realizing that a new theme started on the first of the month...lol so I drew twice on Saturday but chose to add the bread to the end of the food themed week...

Here's to moving always onward and upward without regrets.

Happy Doodling and for Pete's sake back up your files people,

Bread Love

Original Sketch

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