Wednesday, February 5, 2014

032/365 (Theme: :YouTube Icons) sWooZie

032/365 (Theme: :YouTube Icons)
One month down and eleven to go.  I've brainstormed tons of themes for this project, but honestly there are a few I am looking forward to with much excitement and a few I'm still on the fence about.  YouTube Icons was one of my first theme ideas and I almost tossed it out cause it's a bit intimidating to try and draw someone you don't know without offending them by making them look too fat, sick, or ugly.  But I didn't toss is out and after having drawn four so far I'm pretty happy I didn't.  For each of the Icons I picked I went back and watched a bunch of their videos.  Videos that inspired me to start up my own YouTube Channel.
The first Icon I could remember getting hooked on was Adande better known as sWooZie on YouTube and in the pro-gaming world.  He started off by vlogging about his life as a pro-gamer and got a ton of followers just from that notoriety.  However, he quickly spread to other fans as people shared links to his extremely entertaining videos.  He's done stop-motion, animation, how-to videos, and much much more.  He's a wonderful storyteller and his charming personality and insightful ideas are always positive.  If you have a moment go check him out but I warn may just loose a few hours of your life to laughter.

thanks for the inspiration sWooZie

Happy Doodling 

My Channel:

Original Sketch

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