Monday, April 28, 2014

Earth Week

My Shattered World

We're all from the same place.

Heated World

Lazy World...this was supposed to have ten more famous places but I ran out of motivation to finish it. 

Sad Sad World

Finding Focus in my World

You Choose your own world...

Not a lot else to say this week except 

No matter what your world is like remember..
its gonna keep on turning, 
so don't be surprised when it doesn't stop for you.

Happy Doodling

Monday, April 21, 2014

Cartoon Project Birthday Week

Dag Nabbit Animation is Hard!!!!

So this past week I've decided to focus on animation.  Now this isn't the first time I've said this, and since the program I'm using, Toon Boom Studio 6, is already years old now that shouldn't be hard to believe.  I'm great at starting projects and terrible at finishing them (no dirty jokes please!!!!)

Some may say I have adult ADHD
Some may say my inability to finish crap is part of my nature as an Aries
I would say they're both probably true but excuses are like A-holes ....
you know..
they all stink.

So in an effort to break free of my bad habits I started this doodle project and drawing every day has shown me a lot about how much I have to learn and how not to pressure myself with making everything perfect.  Sometimes simple really is the best way.

so I dug into the software more than I ever have before....through trial & error & You Tube tutorials.  Most of the tutorials were for newer or older versions but I still learned a great deal about the art of animation in general.  

So I don't want to give too much of the story line away but I will say it's about two comic book artist guys that go to a convention called UniCon and have all sorts of adventures.

this first pic is of my Guy's original comic book character 
Erbol Frankly
he's like a space cowboy.
Erbol Frankly
Here's their upgraded table display & before you ask no none of the social network thingys is 

Quest Frankly Table in progress
I'm slowly doing my best to set the scene while still learning how Toom Boom works.  I'm also learning that the way I'm doing things right now is a lot of 2 steps forward and 1 step back as I learn new things which means that the next one will be much better

Here is the cover of their comic "Quest Frankly"
106/365 Quest Frankly Cover

I've working on establishing a decent ensemble cast and for that reason I created Stan here.  He's kinda skeezy and is basically the irritating neighbor my guys have to deal with at the Con.

Stans Table "Wiccan Hunters"

Once I was getting close to being finished with the setting of the scenes then I started thinking about props.  Thing that the guys needed to hold and would have to move too.  I know it's silly but I'm pretty proud of that bag of chips and the 

QF table with props
 Then I had to start thinking about the Convention guests.  Most people dress up or "Cosplay" while at these ttypes of conventions so I got to work on that and I'm still having fun that.
#11 and the Tardis cosplayer

I know I know that these cosplay doodles aren't the best drawings in the world but they're supposed to be my show's extras so they can't be too distracting...having said that I'm worried I've made very distracting characters...they're gonna have to walk past the tables reallllly

Batman & The Joker

I, like so many nerds in the world, am a fan of adding these two was a no brainer.

Creepy Titan Guy

What can I say about the Anime "Attack on Titan"
it's creepy
densly woven
beautifully drawn
basically it's interesting enouph for me to watch with my daughter Kaci but dark and sad enough that I don't always know if I want to continue watching after each episode......but of course I do keep watching.

That's it for this week
I'm moving on to this week's theme of Earth Day so I won't be posting any more teaser images of my cartoon/comic but I will continue to work on it. 

I will admit that making my cartoon project my theme did shrink my self induced workload, but one must continue to challenge one's self lest he become complacent with his life....

lol okay this is a bad example of challenging yourself......but lol I couldn't help it.

Thanks to everyone for the
Birthday wishes and gifts.

Happy Doodling

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

103/365 Big Summer Blowout!

 Last day of the Disney theme I didn't want to end just like every time we go to the parks I feel like I belong there.  I feel like I belong with Disney.....does that sound weird??? If so you don't know me very well.

Anywho I asked my 7 year old what I should draw for the last Disney day and he said Frozen of course.  I chose Oaken because....well obviously he's awesome.

Theme: Disney
Title: Big Summer Blowout

And then I thought......I should make a GIF

and this is what I ended up with.

still working on getting the whole GIF thing right

Happy Doodling

Sunday, April 13, 2014

102/365 What am I?

Speed Drawing Yo!

Crazy fun day yesterday with my family and our friends the Yoshidas at Kalama beach in Kailua.  

Saw people I hadn't seen in years, not because I was avoiding them just cause lol.  

I played a lot of "oh no the wave gonna crush us!" with Connor and (Annie and Mark's youngest) Maya.

  A giant whole was dug buy THE MEN of the group..and Maya too a little...and I do mean giant. Until the kids hung around the edges too long and the sides all caved in....

Then I got buried up to my neck.  And I got a new cover photo for my FB page.

 Good conversations, good food, good company, good day.
Long day
I didn't get started on my doodle till 11pm
I opened Sketchbook Pro and just started speed drawing
this is the result.

What am I?

when I was almost done I realized I had (as is my habit now) made a ton of layers while drawing, and then I thought oooooooo make a GIF.
 I think it's pretty cool.

GIF #2

Tomorrow started a week that had a dumb theme.  When I looked at my calendar I thanks I don't feel like doing that theme... soooo I'm deciding too use this next week to work on my comic/cartoon project I'm calling "Quest Frankly".  While I still familiarise myself with Toon Boom Studios 6 which is proving to be hard but fun fun fun.  But basically all the doodles this week with be related to that.

Happy Doodling

Saturday, April 12, 2014

101/365 OC's showing Disney love.

I know I know
Disney theme
day 101
gotta do 101 Dalmations
no brainer right?
pretty much
but then
 I started playing with my Toon Boom Sudio 6 
now it's after midnight
 and this is pretty much what I drew yesterday.

OC's showing Disney love.

But on a more positive note now I'm also working on making a cartoon of sorts......


Happy Doodling

Thursday, April 10, 2014

#100 (Phenomenal Cosmic Hostile Takeover)

Theme: Disney
Phenomenal Cosmic Hostile Takeover


Holy Schikies!!!! have I really been doodling for a hundred days already?!?


I have soooo many Disney movies on my list of favorites that I couldn't settle on one so I split the difference and did a mash up.  Aladdin has been my favorite since I was little.  I used to run around my living room singing "One Jump Ahead" over and over....(which actually meant  Not to mention "A Whole New World", "Friend Like Me", & "Prince Ali"

But then Hercules came out and "Go the Distance" became my all time favorite Disney song....

Thanks so much to everyone that's been keeping up with this goofy project of mine and supporting me.

Happy Doodling

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Don't Throw Off His Groove!!!!!

 Wow I'm actually posting the same day as drawing...totally caught up.


Theme: Disney
Title: Don't Throw Off His Groove!!!!!

For Jared.

Happy Doodling

Disney! Baby!

Disney! Baby!

I honestly didn't even realize I had made Disney the theme of the week after Favorite Places...where I drooled all over Disney last week but what can I say....
well a lot as we all know so I gotta wrap it up quick
Connor's Eggos are toasting as I type
Theme: Disney
Title: Cogsworth

Somebody said Beauty and the Beast was their favorite.

Theme: Disney
Title: A Meeting of Minds
And my cousin Falina said The Little Mermaid which I know to not just be her favorite but a bunch of other people on my friends list as well.

Hey look at that I'm actually on 
what to draw today......

Hump day......

oh I'm sure I'll think of something
Happy Doodling


Monday, April 7, 2014

Catching Up.

Catching Up.
the last of the Favorite Places theme'd week
never been but want to go so bad!!!!!!
really quick sketches since this past weekend was KawaiiKon.  Met sooo many amazing artists there
Can't wait for next year.
Artist Alley

Hachi Maru Hachi Table
with Kaci and Cat

Theme: Favorite Places
title:  San Diego Comic Con!!!!

Theme: Favorite Places
Title: London

Theme: Favorite Places
Title: Universal Studios

Happy Doodling

Friday, April 4, 2014

90-93 Favorite Places

Favorite Places & Manga Faces

Ello Ello Ello
(Cockney accent)

Happy Friday everyone and for my fellow Hawaii geeks happy first day of Kawaii Kon.  Kaci sure is excited & who could blame her since this year she gets to sit at the Hachi Maru Hachi table because she contributed her own original manga story "Death in Numbers" and the cover art for the latest issue.  This issue is being released today at Kawaii Kon

Hachi Maru Hachi - Manga and Short Story Anthology

Issue for sale today

I know I know she's don't have to tell me, but feel free to tell her cause all artist love oodles and oodles of praise.  In fact go check out her latest original manga "Secret" here on her Facebook page.

and now that I'm finished shamelessly plugging my daughter.......
wait that sounds really bad.....ewwww
plugging my daughter's work......
pheww that's better....
man now I feel creepy.

If you would like to know more about Kawaii Kon (Hawaii's closest thing to Comic Con) click the link below.

Anywho this week's theme is Favorite Places and is proving harder than I thought to come up with an idea today.  These first four were no brainers for me.  The first one being very very special to me.

Theme: Favorite Places
Title:  The Happiest Place on Earth
Cheesy....? Mabye.  Too Old....? Never. I first visited Disneyland in 2005 with my wife and daughter Kaci who was 5 at the time.  I'd never been as little kid but lucky for me and especially my wife I've never really grown up so I was just as excited as Kaci was and then even more so when we went again for Connor's 6th birthday in 2012.  I love Disneyland so much I've been known to say things like I'd be a freaking janitor there if I could support my family off the wages just to be a part of the place and all of its magic.  

A magic that started for me with Movies like the Aristocats, 101 Dalmatians, & and The Little Mermaid... I really thought Sebastian was the shizzz and must have sang "Under the Sea" so many times my Dad wanted to pull his ears off.  

All these years later I still feel the pull of that magic and have hopes and dreams of one day having the chance to audition for a Disney movie or a Disney Channel show.  Bottom line is that this is my #1 most favorite place and I hope to one day help Disney make magic for a new generation of fans.  You know if I don't get to old and ugly first....just being silly not Emo people relax.

Theme:  Favorite Places
Title:  Land of the Rising Sun
As most of my friends and family know my wife is of Japanese decent.  But don't let that confuse you she's lived here in Hawaii her whole life and doesn't speak much more than I know very much about Italian even though I have a bunch of the chromosomes in my DNA.  I find it so funny how many people make these ethnic distinctions when describing people.  No race based description ever ignites the same thing in everyone's heads so why do we use them.  Even more to the point so few people really know enough about any culture other than their own that all pointing them out ever does is cloud our image of them with a bunch of crap we've seen on television or movies which I hope we can all agree are rarely if ever accurate.  I only point it out at all here to help explain the strong pull my small family and I have to visit the amazing country of Japan.  126 million people with such a rich culture, history, and beauty all crammed into less than 150,000 square miles much of it forested.  I mean who wouldn't want to check that out.  Shoot I'd move there if it wasn't already hard enough to make a living here.  One day though, mark my words we'll spend a nice long vacation there and soak up as much of it as is possible.

Theme:  Favorite Places
Title:  Feels Like Home
Ahhh Broadway.  For an aspiring actor like myself there are few places that pull at my heart and soul as New York City does. True there is always Hollywood or if you're really motivated England and Piccadilly Circus Where the real Shakespearean actors are taught.  For me though Broadway is the place.  If the fates shine on me I'll have the chance to perform on a Broadway stage at least once before I die.  No clue if I'm talented enough to warrant that dream but really...if you're gonna dream....dream big.  I'm so proud of all of our friends that have already made the move and are living in the Big Apple happily chasing their dreams.  Levi, Gerald, Greg, Drew, Andrew, Autumn, Eunice, & Mikey I live vicariously through you all.  

Theme:  Favorite Places
Title:  The Boot
I don't think this one needs much explanation.  Italy has as much of an amazing culture and history as Japan and with a last name like Gritti I think I do my anceistors a disservice if I never visit.  The food, the sights, the food, the history, THE FOOOOOD.  Crap now I'm hungry and I'm on a diet.....sheesh.

Well that's it for now if you've made it to the end of this blog I thank you since, in classic Chris fashion, I've been a bit long winded. 

Where would you go if you could go anywhere in the world?  I'd love to know.

Until next time 
Happy Doodling