Sunday, April 13, 2014

102/365 What am I?

Speed Drawing Yo!

Crazy fun day yesterday with my family and our friends the Yoshidas at Kalama beach in Kailua.  

Saw people I hadn't seen in years, not because I was avoiding them just cause lol.  

I played a lot of "oh no the wave gonna crush us!" with Connor and (Annie and Mark's youngest) Maya.

  A giant whole was dug buy THE MEN of the group..and Maya too a little...and I do mean giant. Until the kids hung around the edges too long and the sides all caved in....

Then I got buried up to my neck.  And I got a new cover photo for my FB page.

 Good conversations, good food, good company, good day.
Long day
I didn't get started on my doodle till 11pm
I opened Sketchbook Pro and just started speed drawing
this is the result.

What am I?

when I was almost done I realized I had (as is my habit now) made a ton of layers while drawing, and then I thought oooooooo make a GIF.
 I think it's pretty cool.

GIF #2

Tomorrow started a week that had a dumb theme.  When I looked at my calendar I thanks I don't feel like doing that theme... soooo I'm deciding too use this next week to work on my comic/cartoon project I'm calling "Quest Frankly".  While I still familiarise myself with Toon Boom Studios 6 which is proving to be hard but fun fun fun.  But basically all the doodles this week with be related to that.

Happy Doodling

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