Tuesday, January 7, 2014

005/365 Yearly Tarot Reading

Yearly Tarot Reading

This is the last drawing from the first week's theme of (New Years).  Every year I do a year encompassing Tarot reading for both myself and my with Nikki.  I know it's a little silly but we found it to be a lot more fun to have our own personalized monthly horoscope rather than follow anything we read in a book or in the newspaper (for anyone that still reads the physical newspaper0.  The top two cards are for January and the rest of the months follow clockwise from there.  The center cards are for the whole year.  So once I do the spread we enter the cards into our google calendars for each month and look up the meanings when a new month begins then add the year cards to that reading.  We've had a lot of fun with this and its become a tradition for us this being the third year we've done it.

Since I had a drawing project with a New Year themed week I chose to draw my spread for the final day of the theme.  I drew my own doodles to represent the cards so some of them are a bit kooky like me.  I'm still planning on coloring it all in at some point but I wanted to post it to keep up with this blog.

Keep on Doodling

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