Thursday, January 16, 2014

012/365 Hello Shappo

Hello Shappo

Halfway through the week and I'm not posting any of my doodles.

Why?!? you demand with passion 

Mostly because I've been drawing them very late at night and end up falling asleep after.  Anywhooo... Last week's theme was Hello Kitty and this week's theme is the Sentimental Circus,one of my wifes favorites.  A good friend suggested a crossover/transitional doodle when I was having a bit of a block on Sunday.  That night I drew this or rather.....I drew this

Thanks Todd.

Since it's my better half's birthday this coming Sunday I'll be mixing her into the doodles if I can.  As I write this it's about 2am my time on Thursday the 16th which means I've got a little catching up to do with posting them.  But the important thing is to draw everyday not necessarily post everyday....though I wish I were that efficient.  Maybe by the end of this project I will be.

Happy Doodling

p.s.:  Shappo is the name of the character on the left.

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