Sunday, January 19, 2014

019/365 Happy Birthday Nikki

Happy Birthday Nikki

Today is my wife Nikki's 34th birthday.  She and I have been together now for over 12 years and married for almost two 

(Feb. 18th, our wedding anniversary, is approaching fast).

Without getting too sappy by speaking about how much I love her which I do!!!!!!
Without going on and on about how beautiful she is...her eyes....her hair...her heart. 
which she is!!!!!
Without going into great detail about the astounding strength of her convictions and character,
which is immense!!!!!!! 

Let me say this.

Everyone who meets you is better for it
Everyone you call a friend feels blessed by it
Everyone you love is richer because of it

Happy Birthday
Nikki Jennifer Gritti

I love you always,

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